Easy Carpet Cleaning Tips that will Make You a Proud Homeowner
Your carpet has to undergo a lot of beating every day from you, your kids, your guests and your pets. If you don’t pay a special attention, you have the risk of having to replace your carpet before it actually ought to. A carpet with stains, discolouration and loose fibres can easily break the look of your room. But this can be prevented by an easy maintenance routine. Here are a few tips.
Basic Care and Maintenance
There is no doubt that you should vacuum your carpet often if you want to maintain it. Every day a lot of dirt makes its way down the fibres of your carpet and not only it makes the carpet dirty but makes it look dull and limp by acting like a sandpaper, grinding away every tuft of it. And if it is added with oil, it makes things worse because oil helps the dirt to get settled in the carpet. Both these can be prevented by regular vacuuming. As per experts, you should completely vacuum your carpets at least once a week. If it gets heavy traffic, you should vacuum more often.
Quickness is important when you want to prevent stains from spills. The quicker you are in cleaning the stain, the lower are the chances for stains to get settled in the carpet. This applies even to spills that are clear or have the same colour as that of the carpet because they can change colour over time and become visible. As soon as you notice the spill, blot up the liquid with a white paper tissue. Don’t add any liquid solution or water since they’ll only make the stain larger. Absorb as much liquid (of the spill) as possible with the paper towel.
Proper Use of Cleaning Solutions
While using a cleaning solution, first test it on an inconspicuous part of the carpet for any discoloration risk. This can be done using a white paper towel. Apply a little solution to the part to be tested and then place the paper towel on that part. If the carpet colour comes on the paper towel, you should not use that cleaning solution to save your carpet from discolouration.
If the solution is not discolouring your carpet, remember the following tips for stain removal:
- Use minimum quantity of the solution.
- Don’t rub the solution on the carpet as this may damage its fibres.
- Make sure you can dry the carpet easily, even with a fan.
If all these don’t work for you, you have to call a pro like a carpet cleaning Dublin company. They have years of experience and all professional tools and methods to do your job properly; so, you don’t have to worry.
If you remember these tips and take proper care of your carpet, you don’t have to be ashamed in front of your guests; on the contrary, you can feel proud to have a properly cleaned and maintained home!