7 Ikea Furniture Assembly Tips for a Pleasant Experience

Ikea Assembly Service NYCIkea furniture is known for its style and decorative element. Plus, it’s much more cost-effective than other brands. However, it’s to be assembled by you and here you may face difficulties.

While you can get professional Ikea assembly service NYC, you may also try assembling it yourself with a few useful tips.

1. Create an Open Space

To put together your new furniture, you’ll need a lot of open space. The problem is that you think that a certain space will be enough for the job, but eventually it’s seen that it’s not enough as your requirement goes on increasing. When you’ve enough space, there are fewer chances that you’ll hit some parts of the furniture or they’ll hit you, and some minor parts even may be lost. If possible, find a separate room for assembling the pieces; just make sure the assembled furniture will pass through the door easily to take it to the room you want to place it.

2. Go Through the Inventory

Check all parts and pieces even before you begin assembling them. Take care of storing all the small parts in their respective plastic bags and don’t open the bags until you need those parts.

3. Gather Tools and Keep them at Hand

All the tools you’ll need will be specified in the instruction manual and even small screwdrivers and Allen wrenches may be included. Gather all the tools and keep them at hand so that whenever you need them you won’t have to waste time in searching them.

4. Layout

When you’ll take inventory, go on laying all the parts out in individual areas and preferably keep similar items together in the same set.

5. Follow Guidelines Carefully

Go through the instructions quickly and organize the parts. Then follow the guidelines carefully step-by-step. It may happen that you won’t follow some instruction. In that case, just read ahead because there is logic behind why a particular piece should be built first.

6. Make Sure

Read instructions again and make sure your handiwork is correct. That way you won’t have to go through the trouble of redoing something.

7. Check Online Resources

If you try to find online, you’ll find a lot of helpful resources like videos, FAQs etc. on the company’s site and also you can find DIY message boards.

Follow these tips and you’ll have a pleasant experience of building your beautiful Ikea furniture.

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